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Download Wireshark for windows

 Few tools are as useful to  IT professionals as Wireshark, a network packet capture tool. Wireshark allows you to capture network packets and display them at a verbose level. If these packages are compromised, they can be used for real-time or offline analysis. This tool allows you to look at network traffic under a microscope,  then filter and drill down to find the root cause of problems, analyze your network, and ultimately protect your network. This free Wireshark tutorial teaches you how to capture, interpret, filter, and inspect data packets for efficient troubleshooting. 

 Wireshark is a security tool used by government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, small businesses, and non-profit organizations to troubleshoot their networks. You can also use Wireshark  as a learning tool. 

 People new to information security can use Wireshark as a tool to analyze network traffic and understand how communications occur when certain protocols are involved, and where they fail when certain problems arise. 

 Of course Wireshark can't do everything.

 Download Now 

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